Yet another good news!
Dr. Priya Wadhera has just won the forum executive committee election for the Modern Language Association. As the MLA website indicates forums "encompass the scholarly and professional concerns of the association." As such, she will be playing a key role in her field of 20th- and 21st-Century French for years to come. Among other things, the executive committee is in charge of the panels their forum offers from year-to-year at our massive annual convention. This means they choose the topics for these panels, weighing current trends and long-standing priorities in the field. They write the panel descriptions and vet the proposals made to these panels. This last responsibility is no small task since the MLA is widely-known as the most competitive conference in the field. Ultimately, executive committee members preside over these panels at our annual conventions, ensuring fruitful dialogue and debate.
Congratulations, Priyta.