Sunday, April 18, 2021

As I am getting ready to take one of the most important steps in my life, leaving a teaching career that expands to almost more than 45 years, I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you.

Although my retirement is now official, I still struggle with mixed emotions. I will miss my students, my colleagues and Adelphi terribly. It has been an honor to serve as a Professor at Adelphi for 43 years and build the Languages, Literatures and Cultures Department from the ground up, as Chair, over the last 16 years. Under my leadership as a woman and minority, Latina Professor at Adelphi, the University has successfully developed a strategy to fulfill its mission.

I have had wonderful and nurtured years at our Adelphi with our students and colleagues, I leave with a sense of accomplishment of a job well done. I am proud of Adelphi and its achievement, especially during this time. I am looking forward to the next stage in my life near my family.

I am more grateful than you all will ever know, I am proud of my work, of my colleagues, this University and our students.  With that said, after years with this institution of academic excellence, the time has come to pass the torch to a new generation of educators.   

With all my love, cariƱos,

Raysa Elena Amador