Sunday, August 27, 2017

Spanish program, Dr. Ana Simón-Alegre

Join me in congratulating yet another colleague for the following conference acceptance and publication, our Dr. Simón-Alegre has been invited to speak at  the University of Barcelona at a university wide colloquium on November 23rd about her current research. The title of her presentation is: "Free Life Lessons from women of the Avant-Garde in Spain and The United States."
She also has two publications out:
"Face to face with Carmen de Burgos. The influence of other women writers on her career and her work". Edited by Anja Louis and Michelle Sharp, Multiple Modernities. Carmen de Burgos: Author and Activist, Routledge, 2007.

Here is the link for more details on this book:

Also, her latest article in Spanish has been published: "Armando cuerpos armados: ideario médico de la masculinidad en los cuarteles a principios del siglo XIX¨, Alcores, num.19.
Here is the link for details:

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