Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Spanish Program is in with Prof. Simón-Alegre Cross Cultural Class

Adelphi University Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. Chair: Dr. Raysa Amador Fall Semester 2014.

Prof. Dr. Ana Simón-Alegre. Spanish Cross Cultural Concepts.
Ana Simón-Alegre has organized for the Cross Cultural Class with the possibility of having the Spanish Club involved and our Spanish classes.

Saturday October 18- For details, check the entire visit description.

1. 10 am: visit to The Frick Collection to “Men in Armor: El Greco and Pulzone Face to Face,” at 10 am, 1 East 70 Street, NYC.

2. 1-2pm: Guided visit to the Hispanic Society of America, 613 West 155 Street. 3. 4-5pm: Visit to the Metropolitan.

3. 8-10 pm: Repertorio Expañol: 138 East 27th Street to see the play “El amor en tiempos de cólera.”

Wednesday, October 22, 2:25-3:40, LVH 309. For details, check the announcement.

Ms. Rebecca Vallejo, flamenco, jazz and bossa nova specialist and promoter of the festival “The Flame,” will speak about the Hispanic musical fusion in NYC.

Monday, October 27, 2:25-3:40, LVH 309. For details, check the announcement.

Presentation of the documental “Las maestras de la república” premier feature, winner of the Goya Award for best documentary, 2013. Premier in USA. After the movie exhibition Transit Producciones will donate a DVD for the Adelphi Library.

Monday, November 3, 2:25-3:40, LVH 309. For details, check the announcement.

Prof. Sandra Castro form Adelphi Sociology department will speak about immigration.

Thursday, November 6, Time and room to be announce. For details, check the announcement.

Flamenco Presentation.

Short Flamenco Dance by the international “bailadora” Auxi Fernandez (La Nacional, St. Maizi,..). Flamenco Basic Workshop with “bailadora” Auxi Fernandez.

Monday, November 24, 2:25-3:40, LVH 309. For details, check the announcement.

Dr. Lou Charnon-Deutsch will speak about the development and evolution of the visual culture and humor in the newspapers and journals in the world.

Date and time to be announce in November. For details, check the announcement. Dr. Cristina Segura form the Universidad Complutense of Madrid will speak about medieval literature written by women.


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